Certified Origin Madrid

Vinos de Madrid is a Certified Origin, in Spanish ”Denominación de Origen” (D.O.), located in the southern part of the region of Madrid. It covers 54 municipalities and is divided into the three sub-zones (Arganda, Navalcarnero, and San Martín), each of which produce different types of wine.

Grape Varieties of Certified Origin Madrid

Fine Red (Tempranillo)
Of medium maturation. It has a semi-straight shape. It is not a very productive variety. The clusters are medium size, compact and cylindrical and with two characteristic shoulders.

The most widespread. Of good production and very resistant. Creeping stock Large clusters of course, golden and spherical grapes. You get pale wines, frank but somewhat lacking in acidity, fruity aromas and a light, fresh and easy to drink.

It is a productive variety, erect, with large and loose bunches, cylindrical in shape. It presents a medium maturation, advanced with respect to Airén.

Late maturing. Grenache strains have an upright shape and medium-sized, conical clusters, usually compact, although they tend to run. It is very productive, although in Madrid it usually presents low yields.

Royal Albillo
It is the earliest maturing variety in Madrid. The plant has a creeping appearance. It is very unproductive. The clusters are small, golden at maturity, in a varied way. The skin is very fine, so it is also very appreciated as a table grape.

The types of wines initially authorized by the D.O. Wines of Madrid in the Regulation approved in 1990 were: red, white and rosé.
In 1996, the Regulation was amended to include sparkling wine and the possibility of mentioning the indication ‘Sobremadre’ on the label of red and white wines containing carbon dioxide, coming from the fermentation of the must with their mothers as a result of their process.

Aging of wines
According to the last modification of the Regulation of the year 2004, the wines of the D.O. Wines of Madrid can use the following indications in their labels depending on the minimum time with which the wine has been aged (considering both its aging in oak barrels and the subsequent aging in the bottle):

Red, white and rosé wines: The period of aging in oak barrels and the subsequent aging in the bottle must be at least two years. The minimum time that must remain in the barrel is six months, followed by aging in the bottle until the end of two years.

Red wines: The period of aging in oak barrels and bottles must be at least three years, with a minimum time of staying in oak barrels for one year.
White and rosé wines: The total time between aging in oak barrels and bottles must be at least two years, with a minimum aging period of six months in oak barrels.

Gran Reserva
Red wines: Barrel aging must be at least two years, followed by a bottle aging of at least three years.

White and rosé wines: Aging in oak barrels and bottles must be at least four years old. The aging in oak barrels must be at least six months.

Last harvests ratings of the Vinos de Madrid D.O. granted by its Regulatory Council are the following:

2008 Good 2009 Very Good 2010 Excellent
2011 Very Good 2012 Good 2013 Good
2014 Excellent 2015 Very Good 2016 Excellent
Certified Origin Madrid
Mapa de Madrid